Image Credit: Kelly Marsh


Kitimat Airshed Group History

The Kitimat Airshed Group formed as an outcome of the mediated settlement between Rio Tinto, BC Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy, Elisabeth Stannus (Lis), Emily Toews and Unifor 2301. The settlement agreement signed in July 2019 provided resolution to the appeals of the Sulphur Dioxide (SO2) Environmental Effect Monitoring Program of the Rio Tinto Environmental Management Act (EMA) program.

 In the fall of 2019, core members were contacted to participate in the development process of KAG with a formal invitation issued by the BC Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy. The consulting firm Berlin Eaton was contracted to facilitate these discussions to create KAG Terms of Reference which eventually were transformed into the Kitimat Airshed Group society bylaws and purposes.

The Kitimat Airshed Group formally became a registered non-profit March 5, 2021. Berlin Eaton completed their contract March 31, 2021 at which time KAG hired Brittany Bayne as a secretariat for the group on a .60 contract position.

Board of Directors

Elisabeth Stannus, Chair
Lis Stannus
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Michelle Martins
Shawn Zettler
Marc Young, Professional Union Seat
Marc Young
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Sandra Knowles, Secretary Treasurer
Sandra Knowles
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Chris Horne
Brittany Bayne, Secretariat
Brittany Bayne
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